Class 8 Science Chapter 2 Micro Organism: Friend and Foe online test

Micro Organism: Friend and Foe is one of the most important science chapters in class 8. We have the Class 8 science chapter 2 Micro Organism: Friend and Foe online test multiple-choice questions available online to help you get better at Nutrition in Plants. Experts in the field have produced these Class 8 science chapter 2 Micro Organism: Friend and Foe online test. Students can have a better understanding of complex ideas by using the Micro Organism: Friend and Foe Class 8 Multiple Choice Questions. We’ve taken the effort to offer something special that can make science enjoyable. Practice the Micro Organism: Friend and Foe multiple-choice questions that we have provided on our website with enjoyment.

Access a wide range of MCQs on Micro Organism: Friend and Foe topics for Class 8 CBSE in our user-friendly online testing platform. Prepare for your Class 8 CBSE exams with our interactive online MCQs test covering Micro Organism: Friend and Foe concepts.

Class 8 Science Chapter 2 Micro Organism: Friend and Foe online test

The MCQ for Class 8 Science Chapter 2 Micro Organism: Friend and Foe online test was created using the most recent Micro Organism: Friend and Foe curriculum from CBSE. You should practice Class 8 Micro Organism: Friend and Foe MCQ on a regular basis to ensure that you receive high exam scores.

We have created Class 8 Science multiple-choice questions (MCQs) to assist you in your preparation since success in science requires consistent practice.

Class 8 Science Micro Organism Online MCQs Test 1

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Q1. Which of the following reproduces only inside a host cell?
निम्नलिखित में से कौन केवल मेजबान कोशिका के अंदर ही प्रजनन करता है?

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Q2. A disease in human beings caused by virus is _______.
मनुष्यों में वायरस से होने वाली एक बीमारी _______ है।

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Q3. Pathogenic micro-organisms present in host cells are killed by medicines called
मेजबान कोशिकाओं में मौजूद रोगजनक सूक्ष्म जीव किसके द्वारा मारे जाते हैं?

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Q4. The two micro-organisms which live in symbiotic association in lichens are
दो सूक्ष्म जीव जो सहजीवी सहयोग में रहते हैं लाइकेन हैं

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Q5. The gas released during the preparation of bread is
ब्रेड बनाते समय निकलने वाली गैस कौन है?

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Q6. The disease caused by a protozoan and spread by an insect is _________.
प्रोटोजोआ द्वारा उत्पन्न एवं कीट द्वारा फैलने वाला रोग है _________.

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Q7. Alchohol is produced with the help of
अल्कोहल का उत्पादन किसकी सहायता से किया जाता है?

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Q8. What helps in the rise of bread or dosa dough?
ब्रेड या डोसा का आटा फूलने में क्या मदद करता है?

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Q9. The status of algae in the aquatic food chain is
जलीय खाद्य शृंखला में शैवाल की स्थिति कौन है?

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Q10. The rod shaped bacteria are called

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Q11. Bacteria present in root nodules of pea

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Q12. The disease caused by protozoa is
प्रोटोजोआ से होने वाला रोग है

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Q13. Rhizobium bacteria
राइजोबियम जीवाणु

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Q14. Amount of nitrogen in the atmosphere is
वायुमंडल में नाइट्रोजन की मात्रा कितनी है?

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Q15. Vaccine for small pox discover by
चेचक के लिए टीका किसने खोजा?

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Q16. Lactobacillus is commonly found in
लैक्टोबैसिलस आमतौर पर पाया जाता है

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Q17. The process of conversion of sugar into alcohol by yeast is called
यीस्ट द्वारा चीनी को अल्कोहल में बदलने की प्रक्रिया कहलाती है

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Q18. Which of the following is an antibiotic?
निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा एक एंटीबायोटिक है?

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Q19. Most common carrier of communication diseases is:
संचार रोगों का सबसे आम वाहक है:

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Q20. Which of the following is not a communicable disease?
निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा संक्रामक रोग नहीं है?

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